Established in 2013, Yellow Ribbon is a Community Chaplaincy charity which provides support for men on release from prison, providing a vital bridge to effective life in the community. We also work with people who present with complex needs in the community, including mental health, addictions and homelessness. At the heart of our work is the provision of supported accommodation across Telford, Stafford, Wolverhampton, Walsall and Shrewsbury.
Our staff team is a balance of lived experience and professional expertise. We have worked hard to build a strong sense of community both to enable the team to work well together and to provide a stable and healthy community life for our clients. The community is built on our spiritual values of peace, accountability and honesty, and is underpinned by Yellow Ribbon’s foundation of Christian faith.
We believe that forgiveness and reconciliation are key to helping people back into society. We befriend, assist, challenge and change behaviour that may have led to offending.
We offer a through-the-gate service, meeting potential clients in prison, where they are interviewed and offered one-to-one mentoring and support as they prepare for release. Through the provision of secure accommodation, one-to-one
mentoring, and engagement in purposeful courses and programmes, we hope to address concerns and to help clients begin their path to recovery and progress to make a positive contribution to the communities in which they live.
Yellow Ribbon is a Telford & Shropshire charity serving those who want to put their past behind them and look to a new future. Some months ago Yellow Ribbon put together a bid, working with Jenny Joy and the Halfway House on the Wrekin CIC. As a 10 year old charity we were in a good position to put in a capital bid to purchase Halfway House outright.
Yellow Ribbon then made an approach to buy Halfway House. The owner was delighted to be able to sell his property in June this year knowing that it would be put to good use in the community including re-opening the cafe this summer. Indeed Government funding has been secured with the aim of restoring Halfway House to a ‘community asset’ that would help unlock potential and strengthen communities across Telford.
Social investors have stood by us so that in making a sound offer, we can also make the necessary infrastructure improvements required.
Yellow Ribbon’s work is currently funded through grant making bodies and through donations. We very much appreciate the support we receive and welcome contributions from new partnerships, faith communities and individuals.
Yellow Ribbon has five shared houses in Telford and a number of semi-independent flats, we also have houses in Shrewsbury, Stafford, Wolverhampton and Walsall.