I write this to tell of the great work that Yellow Ribbon Chaplaincy does for all its clients, both homeless and ex-offenders. They are completely non-judgemental, and everyone is made welcome as part of the Yellow Ribbon Family. They work closely with probation to offer help and advice to clients.
The staffing team within the organisation is fantastic with their clients – very approachable and always on hand, no matter what the problem or issue. They are a faith-based charity, which I find very refreshing and helpful in my journey, but they do not force it upon their clients. I myself am and have been a client with this charity. I cannot praise enough the great work each and every individual does within the organisation.
Being with Yellow Ribbon has given me the opportunity to grow as a person and to improve my life skills through various available courses. Now I’m capable of thinking better, making better decisions, and finding reintegration into society much easier thanks to the staff at Yellow Ribbon. I have achieved so much whilst being with Yellow Ribbon and am continuing to learn day by day. My faith, which plays a huge part in my life, is something Yellow Ribbon is helping me to grow, and for that I’m truly thankful. Yellow Ribbon has given me a completely new outlook on how I deal with daily issues and problems, which has changed my whole perspective. It’s made me more determined to turn my life around and stay out of situations that might lead me back to prison.

They have various accommodation facilities across Telford, Shrewsbury, Wellington, and Stafford. These houses in each area have their own Key Workers who work tirelessly, including out of hours, to assist all their clients. Their houses are clean, tidy, and well-maintained, thanks to strong client-staff relationships and weekly house meetings to address any issues that need attention.
The organisation runs various courses led by Stuart Malpass, who excels at presentation and course management. New courses are regularly introduced, including Mindset and Employability, and a CACHE course in Mental Health Awareness. Stuart also works closely with Telford College and Jobskilla to offer a range of online college courses.
Yellow Ribbon offers extensive support, even helping clients move on from their properties by assisting with housing applications. They provide various activities throughout the week, including walks and communal cooking sessions. Some staff members also visit prisons to support offenders.
I have now been given the opportunity to volunteer with Yellow Ribbon, helping Jeannine (the Chaplain) with cooking and meal preparation, as well as running the Alpha course. I also help with the Bacon Baps meetings and walks to various locations, and assist in running the Foundation Course alongside Stuart.
This is a fantastic opportunity for me to give back to newcomers to the family, offering help and advice whether it’s faith-related, general signposting, or just a coffee and chat.
I wish there were more organisations like Yellow Ribbon and more staff like theirs because this is what’s needed to help and assist all ex-offenders and homeless individuals out there.